
Welcome to Les Tissées – Your Ultimate Destination for Quality Fashion Fabrics in Montréal !

Hello, I am Marie-Lyne Ménard, the founder of Les Tissées, an online fabric boutique that has recently expanded to include a physical storefront situated at 6666 Papineau Avenue in Montreal. Les Tissées was born from a deep-seated passion for sewing and a quest to source premium fashion fabrics amidst the challenges of accessibility. Allow me to guide you through the captivating narrative of Les Tissées, tracing its origins to its current vibrant and thriving existence.

My Background

I am a holder of a Spanish certificate from UQAM & of an Bachelor of Commerce in International Business from Concordia University. I have had the privilege of exploring the world, immersing myself in various cultures and languages. Being proficient in three languages has proven invaluable in bridging connections with diverse communities. Alongside the development of Les Tissées, I simultaneously pursued a career as a residential real estate broker, successfully juggling two demanding yet enriching roles.

A Twist of Fate

After graduating in 2010, I embarked on a career in marketing, specializing in promoting beauty salons and spas. However, when the pandemic hit, the nature of my work changed. Unable to continue my previous job, I found solace in sewing. Yet, a frustrating lack of quality fashion fabrics for adults inspired me to start sourcing and selling them myself, initially through Facebook.

The Birth of Les Tissées

Les Tissées took its first steps with just a few products on an online platform. The initial focus was solely on fabrics, with no sewing accessories, not even a spool of thread. The business grew steadily, but the fabric in my basement outgrew its space, prompting the need for a more suitable location.

A Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

Recognizing an opportunity to support local designers and repurpose deadstock fabrics, Les Tissées shifted its focus to fashion fabrics. The business ethos became clear: Save deadstock fabrics from the local fashion industry and prioritize quality in everything – from products to fabrics and service.

A Building of Dreams

In 2021, Les Tissées established its permanent location on Papineau Avenue in Montréal. The process leading to this new home was not without its challenges, resulting in nearly a year of preparation before construction could begin in March 2022.

The renovation, completed in March 2023, marked a significant milestone for Les Tissées. Transforming the space into a haven for quality fashion fabrics required meticulous planning, unwavering dedication, and a clear vision to create a welcoming environment. Our goal was to showcase our extensive collection while offering an immersive experience for our customers.

Overcoming Challenges

During this transitional period, fabrics temporarily found shelter in my grandmother's house. Despite the added complexity of managing the construction process, operations continued online. Despite the challenges we faced, we officially opened our doors in June 2023, welcoming our cherished customers to the physical store for the first time.

Embracing the Future

Today, Les Tissées stands as a testament to passion, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Each fabric is meticulously selected, ensuring that our customers receive only top-quality products. Our journey is ongoing, and to this day, the selection of accessories continues to expand, reflecting our dedication to meeting the evolving needs of our clientele. We are thrilled to continue providing a haven for those seeking exceptional fashion fabrics.

A Heartfelt Thank You

I want to express my deepest gratitude to the customers who have supported us through thick and thin. Your unwavering loyalty and continued support mean the world to us. Les Tissées wouldn't be where it is today without each and every one of you.

Thank you for being a part of the Les Tissées story!

Stay inspired,
Marie-Lyne Menard
Founder, Les Tissées